trickseybird wrote in booshhethaven Oct 25, 2009 19:39
skanky tabloids, fat elvis, fug!noel, king disgusting, courtney love, epic twat, leave noel alooooone, the stupid drunk girl at the party, some tramp, half man half toilet brush, the fug gene, boy george is terrified, lesbian!noel is win, filthy lesbian, coke or cock: discuss, noel fielding is a filthy lesbian, slag!noel
gillengirl wrote in booshhethaven Sep 03, 2008 20:11
skanky tabloids
trickseybird wrote in booshhethaven May 06, 2008 11:22
bring back the fat, skanky tabloids, noel fielding is a filthy lesbian, slag noel, dommie!dee